“The company encourages you to speak your mind, independently of the circumstances.” Qual o erro dessa frase?

Não conseguiu identificar o erro na frase acima? Então pode ser que você também o esteja cometendo. Aprenda nesse artigo os 10 Falsos Cognatos mais confundidos no mundo corporativo!

10 Falsos Cognatos em Inglês mais Confundidos no Mundo Corporativo

Há muitas palavras no inglês que são parecidas com outras no português, mas tem um significado completamente diferente. São os famosos falsos cognatos. Veja aqui os 10 mais confundidos no mundo corporativo e não erre mais!

  1. Actual:
  • Parece atual, mas significa real:

Our actual costs were much lower than the budget this month.

  • Para atual, use CURRENT:

This is the amount in USD using the current exchange rate.


  1. Comprehensive:
  • Parece compreensivo, mas significa abrangente, completo:

I’ll send you a comprehensive report about the survey results.

  • Para compreensivo, use UNDERSTANDING:

His boss was quite understanding when he asked for a day off to take care of his sick son.


  1. Compromise:
  • Parece compromisso, mas significa fazer uma concessão:

The negotiation was tough, so we made a compromise in order to close the deal.

  • Para compromisso, use APPOINTMENT:

I can’t meet you tomorrow as I have other appointments. How about next week?


  1. Discussion:
  • Parece discussão (bate-boca), mas significa conversa, debate:

Are you joining the discussion about the marketing plan?

  • Para discussão, use ROW, ARGUMENT ou QUARREL:

They had a row in front of the customers and it wasn’t nice at all.


  1. Fabric:
  • Parece fábrica, mas significa tecido:

We need to agree on which fabrics we will use in the next collection.

  • Para fábrica, use PLANT ou FACTORY:

We are so happy with the sales performance that we will open another plant in Brazil this year.


  1. Independently:
  • Significa independentemente no sentido de sem depender de outros, de fazer algo sozinho:

Since we didn’t get the funding, we will proceed independently.

  • Para independentemente no sentido de apesar de, sem ser influenciado por, use REGARDLESS:

They will sign the contract with us, regardless of price.

Então a frase no início do artigo deveria ser:

The company encourages you to speak your mind, regardless of the circumstances.


  1. Particular:
  • Significa particular, mas no sentido de específico:

Do you have any particular opinion about the color of the brochure?

  • Para particular, no sentido de oposto de público, use PRIVATE:

Mrs. Smith needs her private jet ready at 3 pm.

Does your son study in a private or public school?


  1. Pretend:
  • Parece pretender, mas significa fingir:

Stop pretending that you care.

  • Para pretender, use INTEND:

Joe from regional Marketing team intends to visit us next month.


  1. Resume:
  • Parece resumir, mas significa recomeçar, reiniciar, retomar:

Now that the ban has been lifted, we will resume the poultry exports to Russia.

  • Para resumir, use SUMMARIZE:

It was a long meeting, so I will summarize it to you.


  1. Realize:
  • Parece realizar, mas significa perceber, notar:

He just realized that the deadline is tomorrow, so he is rushing to finish the report.

  • Para realizar, use ACCOMPLISH:

We were able to accomplish a lot this year thanks to the effort of the team.


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